Wednesday 22 March 2017

Draft Evaluation Question 5

5. How did you attract/address your audience?
The main way in which I have attracted to my audience is mostly through the front cover as it is the things that catches their attention first. I used a strong image in the centre of the page with minimal writing so that nothing would get lost and it wouldn’t be too crowded or take the attention away from the picture. The front cover of the magazine I think is the most important as it represents what the whole magazine will be like and if my audience is interested in the cover then they will want to read more as the rest of the magazine will be similar in style and context. At first I had the idea of putting the masthead on the side of the magazine. This would give my magazine a certain style that is unique and my audience might like, I then changed my mind and centred it at the top as it can be quite hard to read and I wanted my cover to look simple and not too complicated to read. It also means that people are able to read it if it was stack up with other magazines as it is in the top, I made the ‘M’ in italic so that it looked like a music note that my title and magazine would stand out. My model and chosen images are very similar in the style of clothing which is a causal style which is suited to my audience, the make-up is subtle and natural which could be good as it doesn’t create a fake look for my magazine however it could’ve been a bit more exciting as it is a pop magazine which normally involves vibrant make-up.

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