Wednesday 22 March 2017

Draft Evaluation Question 2

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?
I have found that one of the many important tasks in creating a magazine is finding the right model and picture to go on the front cover. This is because it is the first thing that my intended audience will see so it has to grab their attention and encourage them to read my magazine. If the image is not good, then the reader would not pick it up to read it as the image on the cover represents what the rest of your magazine will be like. From my audience research and profile I was able to find a suitable audience that would be interested in reading my magazine; my target audience is aged 13-18 and it is mainly focused on women than men. I chose this age group as older people are more interested in a unique style of music e.g. indie/ classical. Some of my images are taken with different outfits and models to see which ones would look best on my magazine. I used a mixture of camera shots and considered using a close up for my cover, instead I used a mid-shot and also made the model have eye-contact with the camera so that it feels like they are looking at the reader.

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